Frequently Asked Questions
How long does it take for a package to arrive at its destination from the time of shipment?
A: 48 hours (2 business days) when it is within Santiago and central Chile, for extreme areas (12 business days). Here you can see this information in more detail:
Do you make adjustable rings?
A: No, all the models I have created so far have an anatomy that does not allow them to be that way, and I don't really like the idea of creating rings that can become deformed.
Do you make custom models?
A: Not really, the times I have created custom things have been subject to a lot of evaluation. One of the important points to consider, if you ever want to ask, is the thematic relationship with the style of jewelry I make and if I have material available for your idea. Personalization could be reflected in custom rings, where you can choose the gem you prefer if it is available in the purchase option.
Do you ship internationally?
A: I will soon have the function for international shipping enabled with the option to purchase through the website gateway. I just need to review the tax and PayPal commission issues.
What shipping service do you use?
A: At the moment I am working with Blue Express, as it has a flat rate for each area of the country.